Tuesday, May 3, 2011

13.) Portrait Photography.

 I like this picture because of how she's holding the flower, and her curls. Your eyes go directly to her face when you see this image.

I love pictures where you can feel emotion come over you, when you see this image you think happy, loved, by the way the baby's smiling and his mom's holding him.

Very unique, it's a very strong picture. Speaks to you, the eyes call for your attention.

I love how this picture is set up, it's different and cute. I love the colors and how relaxing it looks.

sara heinrichs black and white baby portraits I like how this picture isn't serious like most are, it's a silly picture that brings a smile to your face.

I think the eyes make this picture, it draws you in and makes it hard to look away. I like how she's posing and her shaw.

This picture is really silly and different. I like the tile, and how it's set up.

 I also like older pictures, this looks like it was taking awhile ago. I like her facial expression and her shaw. Her eyes bring you in too.

 I like her facial expression.  All your attention goes to her face. I like the background as well.

 His eyes and skin tone make this picture and grabs your attention.

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